Season 5 Episode 9 - The Drafter of the Draft Code

Winter has come to the UK, but the Arbitration Station is full of hot takes. Saadia and Joel speak to University of Richmond law professor Chiara Giorgetti [TIME 07:13], who was heavily involved in the drafting of the Draft Code of Conduct for Adjudicators in Investor-State Dispute Settlement, issued by ICSID and UNCITRAL (which we first talked about on S04E15). The Draft Code has now received comments from states and other stakeholders and it’s on the table at UNCITRAL this week so the timing is great. Saadia then discusses FDI screening and its intersection with investment disputes [TIME 42:37], before the two law firm employees have a Happy Fun Time talking about filings and what happens to your life during those [TIME 01:07:32].